Instructional & Information Sheet
The recruiting process begins with “The Fit-List. The Fit-List asks important questions, bringing a clear understanding of how The 4-Fits pertain to each player. The answers to the questions provide both guidance and direction, helping players identify and categorize colleges into a personalized “College Target List (CTL).”
The 4-Fits
1) Academic Fit
2) Financial Fit
3) Athletic Fit
4) Social Fit
Note: A player’s College Target List (CTL) is the list of colleges they’ve selected as a good fit for them, colleges they will pro-actively and strategically pursue.
The Right Fit Document Link Notes:
- The Fit-List is the document in the second tab in the “The Right Fit” Excel Google Doc.
- The Fit-List document is utilized by uncommitted players, 6th - 12th grade.
- The grey highlighted information is a sample guide to follow, showing how the document is used. Note: The sample information completed in yellow is completed in each of the 4 fits, working from the top of the document to the bottom.
- Begin by filling in your Name, School and Graduation Year (Row 3).
- From the top of the document to the bottom, fill in the blank cells in the column of your specific Graduation Year (note: across the top of each of the 4 fits, the grad years are listed. Whatever graduation year you currently are, this is the column you should work in).
- Players, each offseason review and complete The Fit List. Work in the cells of the grad year you currently are in. If the information remains the same as the past year, simply copy it over.
- As players mature and get older, oftentimes what's important to them changes. This is an important reason for updating and completing The Fit List each year.
Fit #1: Academic Fit
- Academic Challenge: List what academic challenge you want to take on in college (Heavy / Medium / Light) pick one
- Major 1: List your 1st choice for your college major
- Major 2: List 2nd choice for your college major
- GPA (core): List your Core GPA
- ACT: List your test score
- SAT: List your test score
- NCAA Clearing House: List if you have registered for the NCAA Clearing House and the date you did
Fit #2: Financial Fit
- Total Annual Family Contribution: List the estimated total amount your family can contribute towards your annual college expense.
- Merit Scholarships: Will you apply to receive any scholarship aid other than baseball or academic aid.
- Academic Scholarships: Are you working to earn an Academic Scholarship.
- Baseball Scholarship: For budgeting and planning purposes, expect to receive between 0% - 25% baseball scholarship aid.
Fit #3: Athletic Fit
- Reach: List the level(s) of college baseball you feel is a reach for you (i.e, DI / DII / DIII / NAIA / CC ).
- Realistic: List the level(s) of college baseball you feel is realistic for you (i.e, DI / DII / DIII / NAIA / CC ).
- Reserve: List the level(s) of college baseball you feel should be your backup (i.e, DI / DII / DIII / NAIA / CC ).
Fit #4: Social Fit
- Size: List the size of the college you are interested in attending (Small / Medium / Large).
- Location: List the location you are interested in (In-state / Out of state).
- Culture: List the cultural feel you are looking for
(Suburban / Big City / Small Town / Rural)
- Distance: List the distance you are willing to be away from home (0 to 4000 Miles)
- Weather: List the kind of weather you’re looking for
(4 Seasons / Extreme Winters / Mild Seasons / Sunny year-round).
- The last section in the Fit-List document the “What To Do” section is a space for players to write down what they’re supposed to do to answer the specific question in that section.
- Thank you for navigating through “The Fit-List” Doc, the foundational document for a successful recruiting process. As you complete your doc, you will gain a clear understanding of how The 4-Fits pertain to you and how they pertain to the colleges you are pursuing. The answers to the questions provide both guidance and direction, helping you identify and categorize colleges into a personalized “College Target List (CTL).”
Enjoy the Journey!
Better Everyday!
Nate Trosky Baseball
CEO: 6th Tool Nation